Accounting Advisory

Accounting Advisory

A personalized approach for every client

forensic analysis

We tailor our accounting procedures to align with the specific operational requirements of each client. While certain standardized practices are consistently applied across all clients, we recognize that every job is unique. Our overarching objective is to design and implement an accounting and financial reporting system that captures crucial information for the ownership or executive team. Armed with this information, business owners can make informed decisions with confidence.

The procedures we establish remain effective throughout all business cycles. During the development of these accounting procedures, we also assist our clients in evaluating their accounting or bookkeeping staff to ensure they have the right individuals in the appropriate roles. Additionally, we offer hands-on training to implement any recommended procedural or data-management changes.


Working with CLM has been a revelation. Before them our business was drifting along going in whatever direction the current took us. Now we have a solid direction and are moving towards a c certain successful destination. Smart, thoughtful professionals who can analyze and explain financial nuances are the difference between a mediocre business and a great one. CLM goes a long way to making us great.

Casey Price, Price & Price LLC